Bringing RNA-Seq into Undergraduate Education

Virtual Workshop, June 2016
Project Proposal Guidelines
Experiment and Dataset Specifications

Only projects that utilize a eukaryotic organism that has a published sequenced and annotated genome will be considered.

For the purpose of learning how to analyze and implement into teaching RNA-Seq data, you may propose to:

For those requesting to obtain new RNA-Seq data, your proposed project will be an experiment that is based on examining differential gene expression. Funding for new datasets will include Illumina RNA-Seq library preparation and sequencing costs for 2 or 3 biological replicates of control vs. experimental or over time points (total of 4 – 6 RNA isolations). Importantly, for those projects selected to obtain new sequence data, RNA must be received by the sequencing center no later than March 1, 2016 (no exceptions).

Proposal Narrative Specifications

Limit proposal narrative to 5 pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins, single spaced text, and one line space between each paragraph.

Organize your proposal into the following four sections, and provide answers for every specific question within each section.